Checking out the prairie dogs
Elaina is enjoying herself
Courtney, Steve, and Caitlin
Elaina was pooped.....
Just a precious moment in my eyes... Courtney helping Caitlin wash her hands... so sweet
Checking out the prairie dogs
Elaina is enjoying herself
Courtney, Steve, and Caitlin
Elaina was pooped.....
Just a precious moment in my eyes... Courtney helping Caitlin wash her hands... so sweet
My sister Nell and her husband, Dave
Quentin enjoying his 4th smore - or maybe that's number 7????
Alexandra and Sadie
Cousin Celia
We had the "Olympic Games - Vermont style" while we were there. We divided the teams - one wore bandanas and the other painted their faces. So that is the reason for those in these next few pics. Team "face paint" won the games by a land slide. Most importantly, we all had a fun time.
My sister, Abby, with ElainaMy sisters, Kate and Nell, with Elaina
Just a cute shot of Elaina
Kate tried to recruit Elaina to her bandana team... nice try Kate, but that look is pretty cute on her :)
A view of the lake from the dock
Elaina enjoying a dip with her mom
Sadie and Celia on the boat
There was no bath tub so Elaina got baths in the sink... Aunt Nell was having fun with her hair
Here are some pics of the past week... fun stuff.... :)
Playing in the backyard with her water table she got for her birthday. She loves that thing.....
Just a cute pic of her in her new dress that her mamaw gave her for her birthday...Elaina in her new chair she got for her birthday - vanilla wafer and her juice just chillin'. Wonder where she learned this from??
I cleaned out this drawer to get rid of some toys she didn't play with anymore. Well, she made herself right at home... so funny.
Here is the cake after she wrote "Happy Birthday Elaina". She also did the cute lady bug cup cakes around the edge... Amazing!!
"Do I have to wear this hat??"
"Hey, this isn't so bad"
"Oh yeah! I can eat some cake. What hat??"
Elaina in the pool with friends Tonja and Christine and her cousin McKaylaElaina got a water table for her birthday - she loves it
Elaina opening up one of her gifts
Elaina with her Mamaw (Erik's mom) and Granny (my mom)
Elaina with her "aunt" Robyn
More of Elaina in the pool with her friends