April 17th... This week at Elaina's day care they had spirit week. On Tuesday it was "Pajama Day" and all the kids wore their pajamas to day care. I did not know about this since Elaina does not go to day care on Monday but since I always send her in her pajamas, she was dressed for the festivities. Today was "In-side Out/Backwards Day" at Elaina's day care. That means that the kids and teachers wore their clothes either in-side out or backwards. Well, the outfit I put Elaina in had feet so she couldn't wear the pants backwards. So, she wore her pants in-side out and her shirt backwards. Just thought I'd share a photo of her in her garb (from behind so you can get the full affect)...

Also, Elaina had her 9 month check up yesterday. All is well and she's growing and developing well. She weighed in at 18 pounds, and measured 27 1/4 inches tall. She is in the 31st percentile for weight, the 33rd percentile on height and her head... well, it continues to be a monstrosity. It registered in the 99th percentile. Geniuses need a lot of room for their brains :)... we still think she's adorable - big head and all.
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