April 6th - Elaina is 9 months old today. Elaina continues to grow. She doesn't have her 9 month check up until the 16th so I don't know how much her percentiles have changed since her 6 month check up. I'll post those after her appointment. She did have a doctors appointment last week and weighed in at 17 pounds, 5 oz. This is actually 5 oz less then the last weigh in but the doctor said more then likely it was a mis-read since she supposedly gained over 2 pounds in 2 1/2 weeks at that visit. Anyway, he wasn't concerned and said she is growing fine. Some milestones over the past month are:
- First ear infection
- Crawling (as you know from the previous post)
- Pulling up on everything - she doesn't know how to sit back down (unless she falls) so when she is done standing or can't move anywhere else, she'll cry until you help her. Hopefully she'll figure out sitting down soon.
- Taking steps and moving herself along the couch, table, or whatever she can
Here is a recent pic.... Enjoy!
1 comment:
Dear E,E, and Little E- I just checked in with your site and boy am I happily suprised! She is such a doll! I can't wait for Iva to get home so I can show her too! Seeing your Easter pictures was grand...wish we had come down. Harry is hard at work at his job...the kids are really doing well in school...and I have hit the gym. Long over due in my case. Things are well, just a little empty without Harry's parents or my Grammy but we are learning to move on...one baby step at a time...just like Little E. Give my love to all, and kisses for our girl too, Your Cousin, Shawn
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