Fairy Pictures and Play Date

April 26th - Today, Elaina and her friend Caitlin went and had their pictures made together again. The photo studio was having a fairy event so the girls got to put wings on and pose as fairies - it was very cute. Below are some shots:

Then after the pictures we went to Caitlin's house for a play date. Caitlin has a kiddie pool with balls in it - here are some shots of the girls playing. They both really loved it.

The highlight of the day was when the girls were standing in front of the window. Caitlin was knocking on the window and making noises and it was cracking Elaina up which was in turn making Caitlin laugh. Also, if you look closely, a man jogged by and this cracked the girls up too. We could hardly keep from laughing while shooting the video. You can only see the backs of their heads in the video - Caitlin in on the left and Elaina is on the right - but I hope it makes you smile! :)

Inside Out/Backwards Day...

April 17th... This week at Elaina's day care they had spirit week. On Tuesday it was "Pajama Day" and all the kids wore their pajamas to day care. I did not know about this since Elaina does not go to day care on Monday but since I always send her in her pajamas, she was dressed for the festivities. Today was "In-side Out/Backwards Day" at Elaina's day care. That means that the kids and teachers wore their clothes either in-side out or backwards. Well, the outfit I put Elaina in had feet so she couldn't wear the pants backwards. So, she wore her pants in-side out and her shirt backwards. Just thought I'd share a photo of her in her garb (from behind so you can get the full affect)...

Also, Elaina had her 9 month check up yesterday. All is well and she's growing and developing well. She weighed in at 18 pounds, and measured 27 1/4 inches tall. She is in the 31st percentile for weight, the 33rd percentile on height and her head... well, it continues to be a monstrosity. It registered in the 99th percentile. Geniuses need a lot of room for their brains :)... we still think she's adorable - big head and all.

Elaina is 9 months old

April 6th - Elaina is 9 months old today. Elaina continues to grow. She doesn't have her 9 month check up until the 16th so I don't know how much her percentiles have changed since her 6 month check up. I'll post those after her appointment. She did have a doctors appointment last week and weighed in at 17 pounds, 5 oz. This is actually 5 oz less then the last weigh in but the doctor said more then likely it was a mis-read since she supposedly gained over 2 pounds in 2 1/2 weeks at that visit. Anyway, he wasn't concerned and said she is growing fine. Some milestones over the past month are:

  • First ear infection
  • Crawling (as you know from the previous post)
  • Pulling up on everything - she doesn't know how to sit back down (unless she falls) so when she is done standing or can't move anywhere else, she'll cry until you help her. Hopefully she'll figure out sitting down soon.
  • Taking steps and moving herself along the couch, table, or whatever she can

Here is a recent pic.... Enjoy!

Elaina crawls

Let the fun begin, boys and girls, because Elaina figured it out today. She has been getting gradually closer over the past few weeks. She first figured out how to get from her stomach to a sitting up position. Then, she would do this lean forward from a sitting up position until she got almost all the way to her stomach and realized she couldn't get her legs to move. She got around this way pretty good for a while by leaning from a sitting up position and scooting her legs underneath her (kind of hard to explain). Well, today, after she got up from her nap, she leaned forward and her knees moved with her. One knee in front of the other, one hand in front of the other and she was off. And in a hurry too - she wasted no time getting used to it :) take a look - this was taken during the first 30 minutes of her crawling....

Now we need to baby proof - not so smart putting that off :)