Sleep over

AND....we did it again... We had a sleepover with the Fords again.  This time Justin was out of town so we bunked up over there.  The kids (and me and Tami) had a great time.  I am thinking this will be a regular thing....
First activity... painting toenails.  Even Isaac joined in on the fun.

Then, it was off to bike/scooter/tricycle riding

Olivia road a bike for the first time.  Good stuff.  She did great.  She seemed to enjoy it alot more then Elaina does.  Elaina could take or leave her bike.  Makes me sad but we keep getting her on it in hopes she will love it one day soon.

This is what Elaina preferred doing....

Olivia was so happy riding Elaina's bike...

Later after dinner (which happened to be these AMAZING waffles that were Tami's dad's recipe), the kids crashed out....Girls slept in the bed together.

Saturday morning breakfast - cereal

Then, the kids played with shaving cream.  I have heard of this but never done it with Elaina.  We put food coloring in it and they loved it.  Messy, but fun.

Next... Easter Egg hunt.  We'll be having those until October :)


And there was lots of trampoline jumping.  I joined in on the action on Saturday morning with the kids.  Tami snuck my picture with my!  But, the memories are good.


The Ford Family said...

Total funness!

The Schaffers said...

We should have a can have the 5am shift with the boys. :)