First Movie

We took Elaina yesterday to see her first movie at the movie theatre.  We saw Winnie The Pooh. It was a perfect movie because it was only a little over an hour long.  Erik and I NEVER really watch movies much less go to the theatre so this was kind of a big treat for all of us.

Elaina did well, she did take a bathroom break in the middle (I forgot to have her go before the movie started - oops!).  The movie was a perfect one, no scariness or overly loud scenes to frighten her (as she is easily frightened).  So, we will do it again, next time.....$2 movie :)  Even though we saw the matinee, still expensive - one of the reasons we never go.  Second reason is because we can never agree on what movie to watch.  We have different taste in movies. always, I brought along the camera for some photo ops.

Next to the Winnie The Pooh window decal with daddy

Now with mom...

All set.....  popcorn - check, drink - check, candy - check

And now one with mom....

Again, another time when Elaina had the camera in the back seat....  We did not know she took this until we were downloading pics from the camera.  I think it's a a cute pic of her (as a mother should) :)

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