Oh, the places a kid can sleep

So when preparing for nap the other day, it was a little odd and out of the oridinary. First, Elaina wanted to put her pajamas on.  So, I thought, "what the heck, she is going to sleep so pajamas are fitting."  Then, she did not put up too much of a battle to go down which was unsual too.  Erik and I were downstairs.  Erik walked up the steps to find her right here....

Why the cup??? We have no idea either.

Sleeping like a baby.  She must have known all along she was going to sneak out and try to sleep right there.  That is why she didn't put up a fight at all.  In case you were wondering, I put her back in her bed so she would not roll down the steps.


Anonymous said...

I think the cup signifies that she had to much to drink!

Evan and Marta said...

That's really funny and, ironically, not surprising. But yeah, those stairs are a little scary.