4th of July parade

This 4th of July, we attended the Farragut 4th of July parade, again. The Parade was on the 3rd.... My neice, Alexandra, marched in the parade with her twirling team. She is a freshman this year and twirls on the Farragut High School twirling team. I find that SO hard to believe that she's in high school. She is growing up to be such a beautiful sweet, young lady. And, I know I've mentioned it before, but she is SOOOO talented at twirling. Really. I love to see her twirl. We had a wonderful time at the parade. The weather was nice - not too hot so that was nice.
Elaina enjoyed sitting on the curb watching the parade.....
Alexandra marching with her team... wouldn't you know that as soon as I took this pic my batteries died. By the time I got new ones in she was long gone up the road.
Elaina and her Aunt Kate waving to the helicopters

Elaina and her daddy
Family photo

Elaina and Alexandra

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