Elaina is 7

Warning:  Another long post....

Elaina turned 7 at the beginning of this month.  7 is a bit hard to believe.
In usual fashion, her birthday weekend (being coupled with July 4th weekend) was busy and we over did it.  But, she had a super time and was spoiled by all...including us.

July 4th we spend the night at my mom's lake house.  We simply LOVE this place.  I didn't get a lot of pics of July 4th because I didn't ever think of it until the last minute.  But, here are a few with Sprinklers...

At the lake house

At Erik's mom and dad's house...

Pose with Kelsey and Liana

Saturday was her slumber party sleepover that Elaina requested...Frozen themed (of course).  It was in short - a perfect day and a perfect party.  She had 5 girls come.  Only 4 spent the full night. All the girls that came were fabulous.  They all got a long and, more importantly, they all had fun.  Erik and I wanted her to have a pool party but she wanted a sleepover.  Looking back, I am glad we did the slumber party.  It was great!

I got a little crazy on Pinterest and found a bunch of cute ideas for her party.  So, let the pictures of the party decor begin..

This was on the front door...my favorite part of this pic is Elaina's photo bomb in the window - lol!

So, then I invited her outside to smile with Olaf

This was the Olaf we used for the pin the nose on Olaf game they girls played

This was my attempt at trying something I found on Pinterest....the one on Pinterest looks more like Olaf but it's the thought that counts.  "A" for effort. It was fun to do.

Carl and Sabrina came through with an AMAZING cake.  The castle had glow lights in it.  Every year they up their game...by the time Elaina is 16, the cake will have to fall from the sky or something if they keep it up :)

They even boxed it up in this box they made out of random posters so Elaina could open it like a present.  They are the greatest!!!

Cheese sticks that I drew Olafs on....another Pinterest idea.

The cake....hidden.....in a box....

The spread....

The girls working on their activity books while dinner was being cooked

We got all the girls frozen night gowns to wear...here they are opening them up.

They were super excited to get these

UH-DOR-A-BLE!!!  I love all these sweet girls
Katherine, Laurel, Elaina, Madison, Kaitilyn, and Olivia.
All very sweet friends to Elaina

They made Olaf puppets and this was the biggest surprise for me at how much they loved this.  They did puppets shows (multiple) for a while.  It was fun to see their creativity play out

The puppet show set

Happy Birthday Elaina....I LOVE this picture

Present time....

Pin the nose on Olaf was fun too...Everyone did pretty well

Sunday morning was Elaina's actual birthday day so we ate waffles and sang happy birthday to her with a candle.

All ready for church

The 7 year old

Later that night we had family over for dinner and cake for Elaina's birthday.  Carl and Sabrina came back and re-made the cake from what was left of it from the night before....So, this is version 2 of the cake.  They are amazing!!!

And there were cupcakes this time.

Happy Birthday...again
Did I mention we over did it?
Have you ever known us to do that?
Yes?  Okay.  Yes

Elaina got a beta fish from my sister, Kate.  It was a HUGE hit.  She has done really well with it and likes having it.  She names him....Maryann.

And....the children...I mean, Quentin AND Carl took a selfie with my stolen camera

1 comment:

Evan and Marta said...

Can I be invited to Elaina's party next year? :)