Pre-K Graduation

This past Saturday, Elaina's school had her graduation ceremony from Pre-K.  Graduation?  Yes, that's what I said.  I thought it was a little strange but a lot of schools do it.  I was thinking it would be adorable and it did not disappoint on the adorableness :)  Elaina had been very excited the weeks prior to it.  She kept talking about her graduation practice and how she couldn't tell us what she was learning.  They even incorporated some Mothers Day stuff in the middle of it.  I loved it - cried tears throughout but that is to be expected.  Here are some pics of the day....

A pose at the house before we left

Processing in... she caught a peek at her Papaw

I purposefully chose the seats I did because I knew she was on the front corner.  I thought she might jump off the stage to me since she's pretty shy but she didn't.  She did stand at an angle though for the first few minutes of the show.  All the other kids stood straight on.  It was funny but great - almost like getting my own performance.

I can't remember what the teacher was saying but she made this funny face at what she said just as I was taking her picture.  Funny.

With her diploma

With daddy

And mama....

Justin, Anna Grace, and Elaina.  These 3 are the 3 in her class that have been in the program since 1 year old (the earliest you can join). 

Elaina with her Mamaw and Granny

Elaina and her good friend, Katherine

Elaina and Mrs. Nikki
And one video of a song they sang - this one is sort of long but cute.

We pretty proud parents of Lil E how well she has done at her school. Soon we'll be off our next journey - grade school!!  She has the summer left to finish out at Two by Two but in August she starts Kindergarten...  I can't believe it's right upon us. 

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