New York City - Day 3 and 4

Day 3.... started with a trip to the Empire State Building...  It was a spotty, rainy day so the view was a bit cloudy.  But I was so glad to have gone.  The only good news is the line to go up was super duper short so that was nice.  Here is one shot of the view...

The whole gang at the bottom when we came down
After that we headed over to Chelsea Market for lunch... or so we thought.  Chelsea Market was cool, lots of good places to eat.  We scored a great table at this great restaurant (The Green Table - not certain on the name).  Someone did not show up for their reservation so we lucked out.  As we sat down, ordered our drinks and food, my sister, Nell, said "we need to keep an eyeball on the time."  We had a boat tour reservation at 2:15.  Well, it was 1:30!!  We totally lost track of time.  We had to cancel our order, we all ate 1 meatball off of the appetizer that we ordered and we jetted over to Chelsea Pier for the tour.  Bummer - the lunch we all ordered was going to be delicious.  We found out on that this place had super high rating... oh well.

Over at Chelsea Pier, we got on this boat for our tour...  it was nice.  BTW - on the way to the boat, I stopped to eat a hot dog at a street vendor.  DELICIOUS!  Not quite the meal I was going to have but it worked and was something I wanted to so in the City anyways so it worked out..

The tour was great - we went all the way around the Island and got to hear cool facts about the city and it's architecture and the history behind so much of it...  I HIGHLY recommend people do this sort of tour, for sure.
A shot of South Manhattan - you can see one of the new World Trade Center towers that is being built

And, we floated right beside the Statue of Liberty on Ellis Island... pretty cool.  She is a beauty.

All of us on the boat in front of the Statue of Liberty.  Really nice guy that took the pic but he did not get the Statue in the shot with us... oh well!  The boat tour provided wine and hor d'ourers... it was very nice.

Brooklyn Bridge...

Kate took my camera to get some shots of the Brooklyn Bridge... she and Abby took pics of themselves in front of it.  So, why not include them in the blog....:)

And one of Abby...

Going up the shore was pretty cool... one section of it were buildings like this

Then just a 1/4 mile up were sky rises like this.  It was interesting seeing the different types of architecture along the coast line

  DAY 4.... started with a trip to the Sunday morning Today Show.  This was SUPER fun.  My mom made a sign (below) and at first we were all like "really mom?? are you going to really flash that??"  Guess we're still embarrassed by our mom ;)  But it got us some attention...

The weather guy asked us where we were from, we told him... and then he did his outside weather spot right in front of us.... SUPER fun.  I am such a cheeseball in the film..  I waved twice.  I was so excited that he was doing his report right in front of us.  I am such a dork!  Afterwards, I was pretty happy mom did that because it turned out alright...  moms - they are always right!

This was recorded from a friend's camera recording the TV so it's kind of hard to hear.. but, he says, "these folks behind me are from the Secret City.  We'd tell you where that is but then we'd have to kill you."  HA!

All in all - a great experience.  There are some other shots of us too that were caught on camera (panning the crowd) but I won't bore you with those.  Sunday is definitley a good day to go to the Today Show.  Not a crowd there so you're sure to get on.

Next it was on to a brunch at a small restaurant in the Theatre District called Chez Josephine.  It is owned by Josephine Baker's son.  It is a way super cool place and the breakfast was DELICIOUS.  Mimosa's weren't bad either. 
A shot of the restaurant... I love the decor of this place

At our table.....
Next it was on to the show!!  We saw Wicked.  In a word (or 3).... IT WAS AMAZING!  I want to be on Broadway.  I love the hound out of this kind of stuff.  I want to see it again and again and again. 

That night (our last night), we ate NY style pizza at a joint a block from our restaurant.  I was great too.  That was the perfect way to top of the trip.  We headed back home the next day.  I was glad to get home to my family but once home I couldn't stop talking about all the things we did/saw.  I really want to go back one day... Hopefully that day will come sooner rather then later.

And, to my mom and sisters... you guys mean the world to me and I love you so much.  I am so happy to have shared this experience with you all.  I am excited about our next girl adventure (where ever it may be) with the four of you. 

Speaking of that - any of my blog readers got any suggestions on where we should head for our next trip??


The Ford Family said...

Looks like a totally fun trip! My vote: Mackinac Island Michigan, Boston, or Niagra Falls. :-)

Ashley said...

This looks like yall had so much fun! I love the sign your mom made :) I second the vote for Boston. Or Chicago!