This post happened almost a month ago... I realized today I did not post anything on it. Over Labor Day Weekend, we traveled to South Bend, IN to see Notre Play their opening game of the season. It was good to go because we were not able to go last year (so, I guess it's not annual but whatever... we've gone every other year but last year). Anyway, this year we took my mom and Gale. They had not ever been before and were interested in going to see the campus. Again, the campus is remarkable - so beautiful and my mom couldn't believe how clean it was. We had a good time. ND lost but it happens. Not ideal but a fun time was had by all. The most interesting thing that happened was the stadium was evacuated twice for thunderstorms in the area. The first time the evactuation was about 2 hours long. The second time we had already started heading to the car because we saw this coming our way...

But we ended up in this little Irish Pub right off campus where we watched the last 4 minutes of the game on a big screen. Beer and food were good so all in all, it turned out well in the end.
Some pictures of the weekend....
Like I said... this campus so beautiful. I really like this shot - gets a view of the Basilica and the Golden Dome (should have cropped out the tents, oh well) |
My mom is really into going to different cathedrals. This is inside the Basilica, not a cathedral, but was georgeous. This was one of her favorite things that we did. It was super beautiful |
Gale and mom before the game.... |
Erik in his "IRISH" get-up... He looks like a school boy but he was ready for the game for sure. |
We waited outside the stadium to watch the team march into it. There is a reflecting pond just down from the stadium. The day before I had asked and wondered if anyone had gone swimming in it. Well, while we waited some students took a dive....on an air matress?? I guess when you are in college, you use what you got. Anyway, it was funny and entertaining - they were quickly pulled out by the local security. |
Erik took this shot - good shot :) |
Erik also took this shot.... um, really??? |
At the game.... |
Band before the game in ND formation |
Like I said, ND lost but we still had fun. We got to see a day game, and then when it resumed after the storms, it was a night game by then. On top of that it went from upper 90 degrees to 70 degrees so we got to see a summer game and a fall game too :)