This year we had a low key b-day for Elaina. We just had a family birthday party. It was fun. Not much to report other then there was cake, presents, ice cream, and one excited 3 year old girl. What else do you want out of a birthday party??
Speaking of cake.... our dear friends, Carl and Sabrina, offered to make her cake this year. They made her cake on her first birthday too. They brought it over mostly constructed but had some assembly to do so it was a perfect project to enlist the help of Elaina on. She loved helping and it was cute to watch her do it.
Here is a pic of the cake they made on her first birthday...
Here she is helping Sabrina make her cupcakes for the top
And placing candles on top..
Thanks to all our family for coming to spoil Elaina on her b-day. She had a wonderful time and loves you all so much
And, a special thanks to Carl and Sabrina for the cake! You guys are amazing friends and so special to us... and great cake decorators/bakers :)