Another funny quote
Setting: In the back seat of the car.
Elaina: "Mommy, I got a booger"...... (long pause)
Elaina: "Will you get it? My thumb is too big."
Gymnastics Update

Crawling through the tunnel - just a cute pic

Doing the scary bear crawl...

Easter 2010

Easter Saturday

Elaina's second cousins - Liana and Kelsey

Elaina with her Papaw (and her cake). She loves him.... I think the feeling is mutal :)

Elaina with her daddy - notice she still holding that cake. I'm not sure she even ate it, just carried it aroundMe and Elaina on the swing
For whatever reason this pic cracks me up... she looks so sad
Coloring cookies - yes, I said cookies. I found these cookies that you color with edible ink. They tasted terrible but the kids loved coloring them
Kelsey coloring a cookie
Liana showing off her cookie
Next stop was to my mom's house... we had dinner, colored eggs and did an Easter egg hunt there.... fun times.
My cousin, Emily, brought her little girl, Eliza Grace.... Here she is coloring eggsCousin Celia coloring eggs
Cousin Sadie coloring her eggs
Elaina coloring her eggs. She wanted to hold half of it in like the big kids were doing....

Great Friday!