Elaina's favorite new "do" and more outside pics

The other day I put Elaina's hair in pigtails (which is not something that new) but in addition to this, I braided each pigtail. Well, she LOVES to wear her hair like this - she asks for it every day now. Here are some pics of the cute new do.... I did not put the pigtails on the side as much as I should have so it's hard to see them from the front so I got some shots from the back and side.

Also, we've been enjoying the warm weather lately.... Here are some pics of outside fun on her swingset...
She is getting really good at swinging on the big girl swing....

All smiles...

Also, you may have noticed I have not put videos on the blog very much lately. Well, that's because the videos I have been taking with the new camera do not upload to my blog at all. I think they are too big. So, I played with my camera and shot some compact videos in an effort to see if that would help... It did help but now the videos are blurry. This video is not anything that exciting except Elaina playing outside with her tee ball set and then swinging. She falls off at the end - oops - so the video gets cut short! I wanted to see if I could get a video to post to the blog. I did! I am excited. Hopefully, I can continue to play with the settings on my camera and get some more videos on the blog soon - less blurry though :)

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