Today is July 6, 2009 and Elaina is 2 years old today. We are so excited to be hitting this milestone but it makes me sad all at the same time that our baby is growing up. She is such a joy in our lives - I don't remember my life before Elaina and can't imagine my life without her. God has blessed us with such a beautiful sweet girl and we give him many thanks for her every day. She is so much fun right now - mixed in with all those 2 year old things that come a long with it. All in all she is a wonderful child.
So, now on to the pictures... We had a very casual b-day party at our house yesterday with family. We had E-Claire cake (made in honor of our little E-Claire, or Elaina Claire). Family came and it was a very good time. Elaina ate cake, opened gifts and soaked up the attention.
Here is her cake I made her - not as nice as the store bought Mickey cake at her last party but made with love.....
Blowing out her candles - trying to

This time she got it
Eating her e-claire cake

Elaina with her Mamaw (Erik's mom)

Elaina with her Granny (my mom)

Elaina and me - her "cheese" face will never get old to me

Hamming it up for the camera - what kind of face is that???

More "Cheese" face
Thank you to everyone who came to celebrate with us on this occasion and thank you so much for the gifts. We are so blessed to have you all in our lives and in Elaina's life. She loves each and every one of you so much.