I missed the Mother's Day Post!!!

I realized today that I did not post my Mother's Day pictures. On Mothers Day, we always go to my mom's and plant flowers in my mom's garden. This year Elaina got to partake in the action. She loves to take the shovel and dig in the dirt. It keeps her entertained for a long time. It's great. Here are some shots of the day...
Elaina with her aunt Nell - sporting her "cheese" face
Elaina with her granny
My sister, Kate, with her children - Alexandra and Quentin
More digging...

Elaina decided it would be helpful to pick up the bucket and take it across the yard When we were all done, she picked up the dirty gloves and put them on. I guess she wanted to do what everyone else was doing....

Here she is putting her hands down in the dirt with her gloves on. She is mimicking what everyone else was doing. That is so cute to me.

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