First Swim of 2009

This past Memorial Day was a fun relaxing weekend for the Stringfellows. Not much to report on other then Elaina went for her first swim of 2009 at her Aunt Nell's apartment. She had fun - the water was cold but she didn't seem to mind. You will notice, there are no pics of me in the water. Some how I suckered my sister, Nell, to brave the cold water with Elaina. She's such a good aunt!

Preparing for the moment - just a cute shot of her. I love her little bathing suit cover up:)

Elaina testing the water
She's warming she is throwing stuff into the pool
One toe at a time....
Now for the full body dunk... sort of....

just a cute pic - I love her new bathing suit...

Elaina with her Aunt Nell - they are big buddies

I missed the Mother's Day Post!!!

I realized today that I did not post my Mother's Day pictures. On Mothers Day, we always go to my mom's and plant flowers in my mom's garden. This year Elaina got to partake in the action. She loves to take the shovel and dig in the dirt. It keeps her entertained for a long time. It's great. Here are some shots of the day...
Elaina with her aunt Nell - sporting her "cheese" face
Elaina with her granny
My sister, Kate, with her children - Alexandra and Quentin
More digging...

Elaina decided it would be helpful to pick up the bucket and take it across the yard When we were all done, she picked up the dirty gloves and put them on. I guess she wanted to do what everyone else was doing....

Here she is putting her hands down in the dirt with her gloves on. She is mimicking what everyone else was doing. That is so cute to me.


So I posted the video of Elaina saying "Go Irish" in the garage last week. Spending time in the garage last Saturday was fun for Elaina. She enjoyed helping her daddy change the oil in my car. We got a lot of fun footage of her playing around and being goofy. Here is my favorite scene from the day..... This cracked me up. She is such a ham. Whenever the camera is on and pointed to her she says "CHEESE!"

Here is Elaina taking out all of Erik's sockets. She loves to do this. Erik, aka"Mr. Organization", does not love it so much :)

Let the brainwashing begin

I have nothing to say about this....

girls will be girls.....

This past weekend while we were in the other room, Elaina got her baby doll that she got for Christmas out. She hasn't really played with it too much since she got it. Anyway, she got out a diaper too and attempted to put it on the baby. Then she pretended to feed it, and hold it. I realize that this is not abnormal for a little girl to do but we have never really shown her how to do this. It just come natural to little girls, I guess. And, it's just so darn cute to watch. We spent a lot of time helping her diaper the baby and then she would take it off. It was a continuous process.. Here are some shots of her taking care of her baby doll. I think it's just too cute....
Diapering the baby doll
Feeding the baby doll

"Shhhhh" the baby doll to sleep
Talking to baby doll