Elaina's extra hand

Elaina has figured out how to crawl around and take what ever it is she is playing with with her - in her mouth. It's pretty funny to watch. She carries all kinds of toys, clothes, objects, and whatever fits around in her mouth. This particular day, she was carrying this purple block in her mouth. I found it kind of funny so I took a picture. Hope you enjoy!

What's Elaina been up to....????

May 21st - It's been a while since I've posted anything. Sorry about that - it's been a busy couple of weeks. Here are some recent pics of Elaina to show you what she's been getting into lately...
Elaina has a riding toy that she can push around. She doesn't really push it around too much but I put her on it and was surprised at how well she stayed balanced. So, I took her outside and I pushed her up and down the driveway and sidewalk. She loved it. We did it for a while - mom's back hurt after that. Guess I better get used to it :)

At dinner time tonight, I fed Elaina spaghetti. I intended on feeding it to her, but she had other plans. After a battle with her, I remembered that it was bath night and said "what the heck!" When I saw these pictures, all I could think of was "Wow, she looks like a blue eyed Oompaloompa"

I couldn't post the picture above without including some cute ones of her too :)

Elaina is 10 months old

May 6th - Elaina is 10 months old today. She continues to grow and develop into a little girl. Everyday I am amazed at how much of a baby she is NOT anymore. It's exciting and heartbreaking all at the same time. She was at the doctor the other day and weighed in at 18 lbs, 5 oz. She is healthy and happy and her eyes and smile light up our life. Here are a few shots.. Enjoy!

Gimme that camera, mommy

Don't I look great in mommy's sunglasses???
I love it outside!!