Elaina went for her 6 month check up and shots on 1/11/08 and she is happy and healthy. She weighed in at 14 lbs, 10 oz and 25 3/4 inches tall. She shot up this month in heigth putting her in the 44 percentile so she catching up there. She's still in the 22 percentile on weight. Her brain is still growing because she's in the 96 percentile in head circumference. She's all over the map with her percentages but it's okay with us as long as she is healthy.....Elaina this past week got her first taste of baby food. She started off with squash and at first I think she liked it but the second time she got it, she was not as into it. So, we've moved on to Sweet Potatoes - that was much better. As you can see from the pictures, the baby food thing is much messier. That's going to be hard for me to get used to. I must embrace it. Looking forward to introducing more and more foods to her. It's fun.... Enjoy these shots of her....

Elaina has also started sitting up very well - especially with the help of the
Boppy pillow around her. It's weird to be able to leave her unattended with the
Boppy pillow supporting her while she is sitting up. She looks like such a big girl.

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