Elaina's first Christmas

Well, we made it through (or should I say Elaina made it through) her first Christmas and we enjoyed every minute of it. Elaina enjoyed it all too but she was exhausted by the day's end on Christmas. Poor thing, there was too much excitement and people for her to sleep like she's used to. She's a good napper and doesn't do well when she can't get her full nap. Below are some shots of her and as you can see, she looks so sleepy in some of them :(.... Besides that, she got tons of great presents from friends and family. She got many new toys that she will enjoy over the coming months.

Elaina on Christmas morning with some of her many toys that she got... She is starting to sit up so well now with very little assistance. Another shot of her on Christmas morning in her "My First Christmas" outfit
This is Elaina at the end of the day on Christmas with her blanket that her Mamaw Sandy made for her. Look who looks so sleepy - poor thing!
Elaina in a Christmas cap and mittens that her Aunt Melanie gave her - so cute. Thanks Melanie!
Elaina and her daddy on Christmas Eve.
Elaina and her cousin Celia on Christmas Eve

Elaina and her cousins (on Erin's side) - Alexandra, Sadie, Celia, and Quentin

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