On October 27th, my cousin Gabe's son Tasio was in town for his Baptism. Elaina and Tasio are 7 days apart (Elaina born 7/6 and Tasio born 7/13). We had several family members in from out of town and it was good to see everyone and, for those that hadn't met Elaina yet, to meet her. It was great to meet cousin Tasio too. We got some very cute pictures of him and Elaina together sitting on the couch. See the resemblance??

We also got to see many other family members over the weekend as well.... Here are some of the photos taken over the weekend.
Elaina's cousins, Sadie and Celia, giving Elaina a kiss in her swing........

Candice (Tasio's mom) and Erin hold each other's babies.....
Elaina and her daddy....

Some of Elaina's cousins and second cousins....
seated from left to right: Taylor, Walker, Celia, Sadie
standing from left to right: Quentin, Alexandra

Elaina with cousins Taylor and Celia (holding Elaina)

Elaina with her Aunt Kate (Erin's sister, left) and Granny (Erin's mom, right).

Erin's cousins and sisters..... From left: Anna (cousin), Erin, Kate, Nell, and Abby (sisters), Josh (lying), Gabe (in front). These were all the cousins who came in for the weekend.
1 comment:
Elaina and Tasio could pass as twins! LOL!!!!!!!!
Alexandra :)
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