First tooth

Elaina finally lost her first tooth.  She is a bit of late bloomer where this is concerned, however, I did not lose my first tooth until 2nd grade mother, like daughter.

She has had a loose tooth for a while and has been playing it safe with it.  When she came home from school yesterday it was barley hanging on.  I left to go get my hair done and Erik sent me this picture with this caption - "notice anything missing?"  Apparently, she was standing in the bathroom and went to push it with her tongue and out it popped.  She yelled to Erik "Daddy, my tooth fell out.  It landed in the sink but I caught it before it went down the drain."  Glad that didn't happen :)

She was a pretty excited little girl.  About 2 weeks before we noticed her tooth was loose, she had a meltdown because she wanted to know when her tooth was going to come out.  She was sad because she was literally the only one of her friends (and lots of kids younger than her) who had not lost a tooth yet.  Not a huge deal, I know, but when you are 7, that is hard to understand.  I actually felt pretty bad for her but told her to be patient.  That's pretty hard to do no matter how old you are.  So, we have been waiting on this day.

Here is a close up that I the first time I saw her with it gone after cheer practice....<3 p="">

And, a picture the next morning with her tooth fairy money.  The tooth was in a bag (her doing).  She asked if she could keep it.   The bag had tooth fairy dust in it (glitter).  When I took this picture this morning, she said "mommy, you aren't going to text that to anyone are you?"  I told her no.....however, I didn't mention that it was going on the blog! day she will understand.  She has the best bed head - lol!

Good times....Our little girl is growing up

7 year pictures

Elaina turned 7 so that means we had her 7 year pictures made.  By the same gal that has taken her annual pics since she was 4.  She did a great job again this year.  We took them at the Cove at Concord.

Just a few of my favorites....