A stroll down memory lane.... part 2

The next set of pics I ran into as I was organizing pictures on our new computer..... Elaina's dedication.  I don't know why we never posted about this.  This was a big day for us - our family was there to celebrate this day with us.  My mom shot these pictures.  It was January 20, 2008, she was 6 months old.  I particularly love this picture - I love the way she's looking at Pastor Chris.
The other 2 pictures are more of the same....  This was a good day marking our dedication to raising Elaina up in a Christian, Godly home. 

Warm weather in January???

Yes, we did have warmish weather last Saturday and Sunday.  Sunday was even warmer then Saturday but both days were spectacular.  It got me wishing for spring again but alas, the cold is back again.  Spring will be here soon though. 

To get out of the house, we packed up a picnic lunch and headed to Concord Park for a few hours.  It was awesome.  It was a bit breezy but when the wind was not blowing, it was perfect.  Here are some shots of the fun.

We found a great spot in the sun near the water where we ate.  It was so great.  Here is Elaina and Erik with a pinic pose/cheese.

.....and one with momma.  She's squeezing me so hard my glasses are crooked.