March 6th.... So we've been a little out of touch more then normal on the blog. It's been a busy couple of weeks. Today, Elaina turned 20 months old. I guess when she turns 2 I'll stop counting her age in months. For now, I still refer to her age in months. I missed her 19 month post - it slipped past me. I keep having to stop myself from saying she's 18 months old because she's past it and time is flying so fast that she'll be 2 before I know it. She still growing and learning new and exciting things every day. Her favorite word these past few days is "no." It's a bit annoying. She still expresses her independence more and more each day. Overall though she is a very sweet kid.
She has been sick this past week. She went to school only a day a half this week. She just had a bug but I think she had one then another right in a row. Her fever would not go away. She is better today - not 100%, but better. She loves her school so I think she has hated being cooped up in he house most of the week and weekend. She misses them.
Now onto current events.... we have just been enjoying this age so much. About 2 weeks ago, we went to a b-day party for her friend Jack at Chuck E. Cheese. Yes, the b-days parties have already started. It's crazy. But, she LOVED it. Erik and I are still deciding if we like it. It was SO crowded. If it wasn't so crowded, I think it would have been better... Here are some shots of the day
When we let her loose into the game side she spotted this Barney ride and made bee-line for it. For those of you who don't know, to say Elaina LOVES Barney is an understatment. Look how excited she is in the picture.
This is her playing skee-ball (well, as much as she could play it). She loved that too. If you will notice the purple shirt behind her - that is me. My shirt is the exact same color as Barney. Hmmm??
Talking on the telephone (not sure what kind of game this was but she, of course, loved it)

One more video to add... this is just Elaina showing us where her ears, eyes, etc... are. This is not anything new but I have never captured this on video. She gets shy at the end and does not want to play anymore but it's sweet... Just a side note, while I was watching the video to edit out some parts, Elaina was sitting behind me listening. When she heard me asking her where all her parts were in the video, she was sitting behind me pointing to all those parts as the video playes. It was pretty funny!