It's March 6th, 2008 and Elaina hit the 8 month mark today. Needless to say she is still growing and doing new things every day. She had a doctors appointment last week and she weighed in at 17 pounds, 10 oz. So, she gained 1 pound in less then a month. That solid food is bulking our little girl up. This past month was a big one for Elaina as far as developmental milestones. This past month she has:
- started sitting up completely unassisted
- scooting (backwards) and spinning on her belly
- pulling herself up from a seated position (when she can get a good hold of something sturdy)
- cut her two bottom teeth
- clapping
- waving bye-bye or hi (whichever way you chose to see it)
Here a couple of recent shots of Elaina.........

Standing ----- that's all she wants to do lately

Wearing her daddy's hat
Just a video of her clapping... I tried to get her to wave but all she would do was clap. Oh well!