Elaina grabbed something (for real)

Elaina actually grabbed a hold of her toy that dangles from her swing (on purpose) today. She has been swatting and accidentally holding onto stuff but this time I watched her concentrate and reach out slowly and grab it. She held onto it for a while as I took some pics of her. Then she got mad and let it go because it wasn't long enough to get into her mouth. Also, today while she sat under her gym, she was grabbing at her toys that dangle and holding onto them. It's weird how overnight she is doing this all the sudden.

Daddy strikes back.....

Mommy was away Saturday and Daddy put me in this ND jersey... I guess wearing orange is out of the question as long as Daddy is around.... Oh well, I still look cute in green too....

Elaina is 2 months old

Elaina is 2 months old! Wow, how time has flown by. She went to the doctor and had her first round of shots - she did okay, mom didn't :). She was pretty sleepy and fussy for the next 2 days. She did have a good visit otherwise - healthy and growing. She weighs 10 lbs and 13 oz and measures 22 inches long. Growing like a weed.... Until next time - love to all!

While Daddy was sleeping

It is Saturday morning and Daddy is asleep. Mommy put me in my favorite outfit so I could cheer on my favorite team today... He's going to think I am so cute in this outfit and not want to take it off of me at all. Yeah right......

Elaina rolled over!!

Whoa - I can't believe it!!!! Elaina was on her tummy on Friday (8/31/07) and rolled to her back. I thought it was a fluke but then she did it again today. Erik missed it the first time but he saw her do it the second time. We think it's because she hates being on her stomach so much :)